KARAT Coalition, a network of women's NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe representing women's rights, which also has a women's information center, is organizing a meeting from May 15-16 to prepare the Eastern European NGO participation in the Beijing+5 review process.
In the first months of 1999 KARAT Coalition collected information for the National Reports on the Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women, and composed a Regional Report. (The national reports from Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine are available via e-mail by request made to Kinga Lohmann or through the respective country representatives. The Regional Report is available in print or via e-mail through Kinga Lohmann.)
12 representatives of the KARAT Coalition from 9 countries participated in the 43rd UN Session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York from February 26 through March 19, 1999. On March 3, they drew a large crowd at the KARAT Coalition presentation on the Central and Eastern Asian Report on Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women.
Contact: Cecilia Preda
AnA Centre, 24 Ferdinand Blvd., ap. 11, 70313 Bucharest, Romania
Tel/fax: +40 1 252 49 59
E-mail: cecilia@cepes.ro
Or Kinga Lohmann
KARAT Coalition, ul. Franciszkanska 18/20 00-205 Warsaw, Poland
Tel./Fax: +48 22 635 4791
E-mail: kingacom@waw.pdi.net
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