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Asia-Pacific Advocacy Training Workshop on Adolescent/Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

The Youth Coalition for ICPD with support from the Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW) and Action Canada for Population and Development will be organising an Asia-Pacific Advocacy Training Workshop, in Bangkok, from the 31st of January to the 3rd of February 2000 in preparation for Beijing +5.

The Youth Coalition for ICPD advocates for youth/adolescents' sexual and reproductive health and rights. It was formed last year during the ICPD+5 and lobbied in NY for stronger language on these issues and youth participation in decision-making in general. It has continued to operate as a network with around 40 members, the vast majority from developing countries. Most of the members have been involved in the Beijing+5 meetings.

The objectives of this workshop is to bring together 20-25 youth who work in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health/Rights, and train them in the UN language of the Cairo Programme of Action and Beijing Platform for Action, and on advocacy strategies--communication techniques for delegates, other NGOs and the press. Another objective is to help develop an Asia-Pacific network of youth working on sexual and reproductive rights.

The criteria for selection of participants are:

  1. Proficiency in English
  2. Access to email
  3. Affiliated to an organisation that works in the area of sexual and reproductive health & rights or the Beijing POA. The NGO must be willing to nominate the young person as a representative to the Beijing+5 meetings in New York.
  4. Experience working in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights and/or youth issues.
  5. Both the young person and their NGO must fully support the Cairo POA and Beijing POA.
  6. An essay of 100 words on what the young person has done in this field and how he/she sees the youth of the Asia Pacific in the coming millennium.

Those who are interested can contact either:

Vanitha Subramaniam
Programme Officer,
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
2nd Floor Block F, Anjung Felda
Jalan Maktab 54000. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 60 3 2929913/Fax: 60 3 2929958


Erin K. McGinn
Acting Coordinator, Youth Coalition for ICPD
and Director of Programs Action Canada for Population and Development
430-1 rue Nicholas St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 7B7, Canada
Tel: 613-562-0880/Fax: 613-241-7550

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