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Regional NGO Preparatory Meeting

The NGO pre-planning meeting will be held in Penang, Malaysia June 10-11 at the Golden Sands Resort. It will be hosted by the Gender and Development Programmme of the Asian and Pacific Development Centre (GAD-APDC). As host, they will provide accommodations and meeting space for those attending the meeting. Traveling costs and all other expenses are to borne by the participants themselves. As mentioned before Isis will document the meeting and afterwards disseminate the information.

The women who have confirmed are:

  1. APWLD - Ms Virada Somswadi, Co-ordinator of APWLD and Asia Caucus Coordinating Committee
  2. Isis-International Manila - Ms Susanna George, Director of Isis. Asia Caucus Coordinating Committee
  3. Isis-International Manila - Ms Luz Maria Martinez
  4. Asia Pacific Watch (APW) - Ms Pam Rajput. Asia Caucus Coordinating Committee
  5. SEAWatch -Dr Patricia Licuanan. Asia Caucus Coordinating Committee
  6. SEAWatch/ technical adviser/focal point for the UN ESCAP High level NGO Meeting - Ibu Sjamsiah Achmad
  7. PPSEAWA - Thanpuying Sumalee
  8. Thai Women Watch - Ms Pawadee Tonguthai
  9. Thai Women Watch/ Host of the Regional NGO Symposium - Dr Chaiskran
  10. Thai Women Watch/member of the organising committee for the Regional NGO Symposium - Dr Mantana

Please note that Thanpuying Sumalee, Ms Pawadee Tonguthai, Dr Chaiskran and Dr Mantana are part of the organising committee for the Regional NGO Symposium to be held from 31 August to 3 September 1999, Bangkok, Thailand.

Other invitees are pending their confirmation. In addition, regional NGO's who are monitoring the BPFA on thematic issues have also been invited. The requirement for the invited regional groups is that they will be engaged in the BPFA review up to the year 2000. Groups invited include ARROW, Malaysia - Health, IWRAW A-P, Malaysia - CEDAW, ENGENDER, Singapore - Environment, Sustainable Development, Livelihoods Asian Network for Women and International Migration (ANWIM), Malaysia International Migration and Women Committee for Women Workers (CAW) - Women Workers, etc.

There are a few slots still available for participants who can self fund thier travel to Penang. The available slots will be allotted on a first come first serve basis. APDC is also announcing this planning meeting by writing to regional networks and announcing the meeting in its monthly fax news.

For those interested in attending and can raise the funds for themselves the the local cost are as follows:

Accommodation (twin sharing) per night
(inclusive of breakfast)
Cost of lunch and 2 tea breaks per day
during the duration of the meeting (11-12 June)
Total cost per day US$45.00

The above is a special package rate and it has to be booked through APDC.

Interested parties may contact: Bee Yee
APDC, P.O. Box 1224, Persiaran Duta, 50770
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel/Fax: (603)651-9209

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