The Meeting venue is St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Suva. Bridgebuilders will hold its triennial business meeting, share information and resources and review progress in Pacific Rim countries in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action. It will focus on the four cross cutting themes.
Highlights of the Programme will be presentations and open fora on gender in development, the issue of migrant and displaced women, Violence against women, child nutrition as it affects the whole of life, education in decision-making for girl as well as boy children and shared gender roles. There will also be a team presentation on Restorative Justice from the Auckland New Zealand Te Oritenga Restorative Justice Work Group.
A meeting of Pacific Graduate women will take place on Saturday morning 24 July. On Sunday 25 July an NGO meeting will be held following the Consultation to further elaborate a statement from Asia-Pacific NGOs for the regional alternate report for the UN General Assembly special session on women.
Observers are welcome. For further information and registation details please contact:
Jane Prichard, Convenor
P.O. Box 99-464, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone +64 9 528 3727
Fax +64 528 7616