19990317img.html_Undone"4DuHutdvP4v1TEXTYoED8?2#e Photographs from CSW 1999.03.17 Global Networking Workshop G l o b a l   E l e c t r o n i c   N e t w o r k ing   F o r u m19990317_Img00234.gif
10:00-12:00 Wednesday, March 17th, 1999
at the United Nations New York, Conference Room "B"
during the third week of 42nd CSW Session acting as Beijing Plus Five PrepCom

19990317_Img006S.gif Lin Pugh, KnowHow Coordinator,
19990317_Img007S.gif Anne Walker,
Director, IWTC
Internatinal Women's Tribune Centre
19990317_Img009S.gif Karen Banks,
APC Women's Networking Support Program
19990317_Img010S.gif Marie-Hellen,
19990317_Img011S.gif Ruth Ojiambo,
19990317_Img012S.gif Julian ,
ITU-Gender TaskForce
19990317_Img013S.gif Chat Garcia Ramilo,
Isis-International Manila / AWORC

Use ICT with women's group access to internet to use Web and email for Beijing plus 5. November meeting.

Ruth Ochieng
When women came to Beijing, the issue was can women use the ICT an d to what extent? limited to those in urban set up
those connected getting training
advocacy to get connected.
women can use it and access it.
Local knowledge creation and its transfer process can anguish process of development. ICT is power, money and knowledge. but are women only end-users? The next step is for women to control of this power.

Julian -- gateway to women's control on ICT and producing women's perspective

Julian , ITU-Gender TaskForce
number of things happened in March 1997- which changed the landscape in how women use the ICT. Int. Telecoms Union, the global patriarchy listened. Now there is a resolution for UN to include gender. Then was incorporated into "the entire ITU have to repreent gender in ts policies". Tough job was not to convince the men but to convince the feminist community that ICT is something that needs to be advocated for. I hope this should be a easy work.

Chat Garcia Ramilo, Isis-International Manila / AWORC
We started out by using email only. We thought ICT is something that needed to be expanded. We wanted to share information with other information providers and set up AWORC.

We have prepared with Asian Caucas a section for Beijing +5 within our website. In june we will be having a training workshop for the women's group concerned. What is important is that there needs to be a network behind the website. As information organization needs to be involved in the process. Third, women's organization need to become more capable for their own purpose and organizations. Fourth.in Asia, the ICT has expanded commercially and more women's groups are using it. though women's g\roup should have more role in shaping it. Thus Isis is looking into policy issues of ICT - section J of BPFA.

Open discussions
How can we actually manage this ICT for ourselves?
What strategies do we have to use ICT for the benefit of the orhtes?
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unifem - how can we work together?

senegal - the situation in senegal is that the acces is a probelm. the phone line is used for everything. Without ICT policy, we can not move ahead
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