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Voices 2000 and Beyond

Asia-Pacific Women's Lobbying Document for Beijing plus Five

This book is based on the report of the Asia Pacific NGO Symposium, Women 2000, held in Thailand, September 1999. (See also the FINAL REPORT OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC NGO SYMPOSIUM.) The draft was the focus of work at the Lobbying Training Workshop organised by Asia Pacific Women's Watch (APWW) in Kathmandu January 2000, and amendments were made following that workshop, in the context of the original text.

At the workshop in Kathmandu, women from across the region identified five priority areas which they wish address at CSW and Beijing plus Five (Women 2000). They are:

  1. Women and the Economy: addressing the negative effects of globalisation, World Trade Organisation (WTO) Policy, and the burden of debt on many women in the region, which has led to the increasing feminisation of poverty, in particular with rural, indigenous and migrant women.
  2. The Continuing Human Rights Abuses of Women: addressing violence against women, rape, trafficking, forced prostitution, honour killings, the marginalisation of minority groups and denial of land rights and reproductive rights.
  3. Women in Armed Conflict: addressing the increase of militarisation, and involvement of women in situations of conflict across the region. Issues of major concern are the systematic use of rape and sexual torture in conflict situations, and the conditions of refugee and displaced women and their children.
  4. Institutional Mechanisms to Promote Equality for Women: addressing the need for a much stronger focus on strategies such as gender mainstreaming, educational reform and curricula to ensure access and equity for women to enable their participation in mainstream institutions
  5. Political Participation and Decision making: addressing the continued low participation of women in politics and decision making roles. This participation is crucial to the empowerment of women, and to their ability to achieve equal status in all aspects of life.

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