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Part 2: Directories and Resources

Women's Organisations

A directory of NGOs in the Asia Pacific that monitors the various areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA). This directory is being developed in collaboration with South East Asia Watch.

·        Regional and global women's organisations

·        Australia

·        Azerbaijan

·        Bangladesh

·        Cambodia

·        China

·        India

·        Indonesia

·        Iran

·        Israel

·        Japan

·        Jordan

·        Karakalpakstan

·        South Korea

·        Kyrgyz Republic

·        Laos

·        Malaysia

·        Marshall Islands

·        Mongolia

·        Nauru

·        Nepal

·        Pakistan

·        Philippines

·        Singapore

·        Thailand

·        Vietnam

Regional and Global Women's Organisations

Asia Pacific Women's Watch (APWW)

The Asia Pacific Women's Watch (APWW) is the regional network that monitors and co-ordinates NGO activities for the BPFA review. APWW actively lobbies for Asia-Pacific women's perspectives to be included in United Nations documents and processes. Its 18-member Steering Committee works to ensure sustained monitoring and implementation of the BPFA. During the 44th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, APWW convened the Asia Pacific Caucus, and led the regional NGO intervention.

Contact: Eileen Pittaway
Asian Pacific Human Rights Council
11 Vallet Road Forestville, NSW 2087
Tel: 61 2 9975 5027
Fax: 61 2 9662-8991

More Background Information about the Asia Pacific Women's Watch
Directory of APWW Steering Committee

Asia-Pacific Forum on Women, Law & Development (APWLD)

APWLD is a regional NGO committed to enabling women to use law as an instrument of social change for equality, justice and development. One of its goals is the promotion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Contact: Jenny Thambayah
305-7 YMCA Santhitham Building,
Sermsuk Road, Soi Mengrairasmi, Chiangmai
50300 Thailand
Tel: 66 53 404 613-4
Fax: 66 53 404 615

Asian Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)

ARROW is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Its current programme focus is on women and health, particularly reproductive health. It publishes the journal Arrows for Change, which has a regular section on BPFA and ICPD implementation in the region.

Contact: Rashidah Abdullah, Director
2nd Floor, Block F, Anjung Felda, Jalan Maktab
5400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel.:(603) 292-9913
Fax: (603) 292-9958
Web site:

International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP)

IWRAW is an autonomous regional NGO which, through collaborative projects, works to achieve the domestic application of international human rights norms in relation to women's rights. Its key strategies include the monitoring of CEDAW implementation in the region.

Contact: Eleanor Conda / Shanthi Dairiam, Director
2nd Floor, Block F, Anjung Felda, Jalan Maktab
5400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel.: (603) 291-3292
Fax: (603) 298-4203

South East Asia Watch (SEAWATCH)

South East Asia Watch or SEAWatch is a regional network of NGOs working in partnership with governmental agencies, international bodies such as the United Nations and other organisational and individual actors to ensure the effective implementation of the BPFA in Southeast Asia.

Contact: Patricia Licuanan
President's Office, Miriam College
Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights
Quezon City, Philippines
Phone: (632) 435-9229; (632) 924-6769
Fax No.: 426-0169

Women's Environment & Development Organisation (WEDO)

WEDO is an international advocacy network actively working to transform society to achieve social, political, economic and environmental justice for all through the empowerment of women, in all diversity, and their equal participation with men in decision-making from grassroots to global arenas. WEDO conducts surveys of governments and NGOs on the progress of BPFA implementation, and publishes reports on the results. The latest of these is "Mapping Progress: Assessing Implementation of the Beijing Platform".

355 Lexington Ave., 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 1-212-973-0325
Fax: 1-212-973-0335
Web site:


Coalition of Australian Participating Organisations of Women

A network of 63 national women's organisations, it works to create linkages between NGOs and government departments. It also monitors national implementation of the BPFA.

Contact: Trish Hill, National Co-ordinator
Room 1, Old Hackett Primary School, 114 Maitland St., Hackett
P.O.Box 67 Hackett ACT 2602, Australia
Tel.: (61-6) 247-1265
Fax: (61-6) 247-1354


Azerbaijan "Women and Development" Centre

The Centre initiates and supports activities of women, youth and civic NGOs, and monitors implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. Its methods include advocacy, lobbying government officials and parliament members, and joining national and international networks.

Contact: Elmira Suleymanova, President
Azerbaijan Women and Development Centre,
3/6 S. Rustamov St., 370001, Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel.: (994-12) 927-920
Fax: (994-12) 972-073



A women's network at the grassroots level, its activities range from local-level constituency building to national-level coalition building and participation in international discussion on these issues. It monitors government policies on violence against women, and participates in government advisory committees. The network lobbies for the adoption of a pilot research programme on urban and rural violence.

Contact: Maheen Sultan
House 51, Road 9A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
Tel: (880-2) 819917
Fax: (880-2) 811431


Women's Media Centre of Cambodia (WMC)

WMC is the primary NGO in Cambodia addressing women's issues through the media. It has close links with local and international NGOs, especially those focusing on public education, human rights, women's issues, and media and development.

Contact: Sokuntheary Kim
#9 St. 21 Tomle Basac, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel./Fax: 855-23-364-882


All China Women's Federation (ACWF)

The ACWF strives for the further emancipation of women and serves as liaison between the Chinese Communist Party, the government and the women of China. It mobilises women to take an active part in economic reform, unites and educates them to improve their sense of self-esteem, self-reliance and professional skills, and helps to establish support services for women and children. There are branches at provincial, county and township levels.

Contact: Cai Sheng, Division Director
15 Jian Guo Men Nei St., Beijing 100730, China
Tel: (86-10) 6522-1133 / 6522-5361
Fax: (86-10) 6525-6503 / 6513-6044

Capital Women Journalists' Association of China (CWJA-China)

The organisation works to eliminate gender discrimination in media through training programmes. It has also held campaigns on gender issues and the promotion of women's social status. It monitors the roles and portrayal of women in media through surveys.

Contact: Li Xing
15 Huixin, Dongjie, Beijing, China 100029
Tel.: 86-10-64918640 (0)
Fax: 86-10-64918377 (0)

Contact: Xiong Lei
Tel.: 86-10-63874439 (0)
Fax: 86-10-63874358 (0)


Centre for Health, Education, Training & Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA)

The Centre works to improve the effectiveness of government-implemented supplementary feeding programs for mothers and children in Gujarat state. It monitors the empowerment of disadvantaged women and children to gain control over their own families' and communities' health. Methods include research and dissemination of information.

Contact: Indu Capoor, Director
Lilavatiben Lalbhai's Bungalow, Civil Camp Road.
Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 38004, Gujarat, India
Tel: (91-79) 786-8856/6695
Fax: (91-79) 786-6513


Kajian Wanita Women's Studies Program of the University of Indonesia

It conducts research in support of policy formulation and legislation to benefit women, and is involved as well in increasing women's participation in  these processes. It monitors the rights of women workers and the inclusion of CEDAW in law school curricula.

Contact: Saparinah Sadli
Gedung Rektorat Lama, It. IV, Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel.: (62-21) 399-7407
Fax: (62-21) 724-4504


Women's NGO Co-ordinating Office

The Women's NGO Co-ordinating Office was established to support and co-ordinate the activities of Iranian women's NGOs in international gatherings, especially at the Beijing Conference. It deals with NGOs involved in six major areas: charity and cultural issues, politics and social issues, research, minority issues, publications and education.

N. 182 Labafinejad Ave., Tehran, Iran
Tel.: (98-21) 616-2867
Fax: (98-21) 640-3038

Women's Solidarity Association

Linking Iranian women to the international community, the Women's Solidarity Association promotes solidarity with women's associations in other countries. It supports women's capability for maintaining spiritual values while participating in all social, political and cultural fields.

Contact: Fatima Hashemi Rafsanjani
P.O. Box 13165-117 Tehran, Iran
Tel.: (98-21) 641-3636
Fax: (98-21) 640-6840


Israel Women's Network (IWN)

IWN engages in legislative activity, litigation, advocacy and consciousness-raising on the following issues: women's representation in government and all decision-making bodies; empowerment; leadership; training; law and public policy; marriage and divorce; violence; education; gender; and environment. IWN also has a resource centre for researchers, students, civil servants and journalists.

Contact: Noga Applebaum, Resource Centre Co-ordinator
P.O. Box 53186, Jerusalem 91531, Israel
Tel.: (972-2) 671-8885
Fax: (972-2) 671-8887
E-mail: or


Beijing-Japan Accountability Caucus (Beijing-JAC)

It analyses published government documents concerning women.  It has been lobbying the Office of Gender Equality to institute a ministry of women's affairs, and to enact new legislation regarding violence against women. Beijing-JAC also lobbies women parliamentarians for the creation of a special committee on women to deal with plans to implement the Beijing Platform.

Contact: Yoko Kitazawa
1236 Takadaco, Kohokuku, Yokohama, Japan
Tel.: (81-45) 531-1932
Fax: (81-45) 541-8204


Arab Women's Organisation

The Arab Women's Organisation has been struggling since 1970 to improve the status of Jordanian women. Through training programmes and the provision of materials to politicians and top government officials, it monitors the implementation of gender equality, reproductive health and rights, and environmental issues

Contact: Emily Naffa, President
P.O.Box 6864, Amman 11118, Jordan
Tel.: (962-6) 697-668
Fax: (962-6) 650-644


Karakalpak Center for Health and Environment (Center Perzent)

It monitors the status of women, women's health and reproductive rights, and international programmes in the Aral Sea region. Monitoring methods include surveying government plans, working with local people, and co-operating with local authorities, institutes and NGOs.

Contact: Oral Ataniyazova
742012 Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus-12, P.O. Box 27
Tel: (7-36122) 36155 / 41071
Fax: (7-36122) 71686

Korea, Republic of

Korea Women's Associations United (KWAU)

KWAU was created to unite the power of organisations working for women's rights and democracy. It has 31 member organisations representing the Korean women's movement. KWAU strives to build an equal society free from institutional discrimination and a democratic country where human rights are guaranteed. It also seeks to achieve the reunification of North and South Korea.

Contact: Cho Young-Sook
38-84 Changchung-Dong 1KA, Chung-ku, Seoul 100391, Republic of Korea
Tel.: (82-2) 273-9535
Fax: (82-2) 273-9539
Web site:

Kyrgyz Republic

Diamond Association

This is an international democratic association of women with offices in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Its main goal is to develop women as individuals, improve their status in society; protect their rights and improve health care for women.

Contact: Bermet G. Tugelbayeva
164-15 Chu Ave., Bishkek 720001, Krygyz Republic
Tel.: (7-3312) 226-384
Fax: (7-3312) 226-384


Gender Resource and Information Development Centre (GRID)

GRID is a non-government agency set up to improve gender information in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. It documents relevant gender information and produces country situationers on Lao women, which become the basis for the development of gender indicators.

Contact: Bandith Prathoumvanh, National Project Director
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel.:(856-21) 416-343 / 413-228 / 516-264
Fax: (856-21) 416-343


Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)

An independent and non-religious organisation based in Malaysia, WAO works on the issue of violence against women.  It provides a refuge centre, face-to-face counselling and telephone counselling to victims of domestic violence.

Contact: Ivy Josiah, Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 493, Jalan Sultan 46990
Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel.:(603) 756-3488
Fax: (603) 756-3237
E-mail: or

Marshall Islands


Roots monitors women's rights, land-rights issues and economic policies as reported in the media,  and by inviting government representatives to speak about government policies.

P.O. Box 1138 Najmajuro, 96960, Marshall Islands
Tel.: (692) 625-3355 / 625-7332
Fax: (692) 625-3153


Gender Centre for Sustainable Development (GCSD) Mongolia

Street Address: Ulaanbaatar, 10th Microdistrict, Apartment 10, Room 4, Mongolia
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 301, Ulaanbaatar 26, Mongolia
Tel/Fax: 976-1-367317

Democracy and Women

This organisation promotes women's political participation and provides educational, informational and training programmes for women in the political, economic and social spheres. It monitors the implementation of state policies on women, the National Program on the Advancement of Women's Status, and the gender impact of structural adjustment programmes. The Women's Research Centre studies and evaluates surveys concerning women.

Contact: B. Odonchimeg
P.O. Box 24/740, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: (976-1) 327-309
Fax: (976-1) 320-210

The Women's Information and Research Centre (WIRC)

A non-governmental and non-profit women's organisation established in 1995, WIRC's main objectives are: to support and promote the process of mainstreaming gender issues into government policy, planning and programming in Mongolia; and to collaborate with other women's service and advocacy groups towards achieving women's political and economic empowerment. The WIRC's main areas of work are: 1) Gender research, 2) Information, Documentation and Media, 3) Networking and 4) Training.

E-mail: URL:


Women Information & News Agency

It monitors all issues related to women by working with the government and helping implement government policies.

Contact: Julie Olsson
P.O. Box 443, Nauru
Tel.: (674) 444-3768
Fax: (674) 444-3791



SAATHI is a Nepalese women's organisation focusing on research into gender issues and human rights of women in Nepal. It is a member of the co-ordinating committee of the Asian Caucus.

Contact: Dr. Arju Deuba, Madhuri Singh, Pramada Shah
G.P.O. Box 7770, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 977-1-411081 / 977-1-254545
Fax: 255565
E-mail: or

Contact: Bandana Rana
G.P.O. Box 374, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 977-1-538106
Fax: 977-1-227160

Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre (LACC)

LACC is a non-governmental legal resource organisation dedicated to the protection and promotion of the rights of women and children, and to uplifting their sociolegal status through a variety of multidisciplinary activities. The Centre explores how law contributes to women's subordination and how it can serve as an important tool for women's empowerment. It is also a member of the Asian Caucus.

Contact: Dr. Shanta Thapalia
G.P.O. Box 3216, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 977-1-527334
Fax: 977-1-523871

Socio-Economic Welfare Action for Women in Nepal (SEWA)

SEWA is dedicated to the socioeconomic upliftment of women and children in Nepal. It conducts research and publishes issues relating to the girl child, consumer rights, and non-formal education. It monitors economic policies and their effects on women and girls. It is a member of the government committee to follow up the Beijing Platform.

Contact: Kalyanee Shah, President
P.O. Box 2475, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: (977) 410-856 / 418-154
Fax: (977) 141-642


Shirkat Gah (Women's Resource Centre)

Increasing women's autonomy, access to resources and decision-making are the aims of Shirkat Gah.  It also monitors areas concerning women's development, and works to change policies and attitudes towards women. Its methods include consciousness-raising, publications and non-formal teacher training.

Contact: Khawar Mumtaz
208 Scotch Corner, Upper Laa, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel.: (92-42) 576-0764 / 575-9372
Fax: (92-42) 571-3714


Center for Legislative Development (CLD)

A non-partisan, independent legislative development organisation it addresses both the need for institutional capability-building of legislatures and for broadening citizen participation in the legislative process. CLD envisions a society where relevant, responsive and gender-fair legislation is enacted by democratically-elected and functioning legislatures to promote equality, development and peace for all. It works to ensure people's participation in legislative decision-making and implementation of laws at all levels of governance.

Contact: Sheila Espine, Executive Director
Rm.217 Philippine Social Science Center, Commonwealth Avenue,
Diliman 1121, Quezon City, Philippines
Tel: (63-2) 927-4030 / 922-9621 loc. 329
Fax: (63-2) 927-2936

Philippine NGO Beijing Score Board (PBSB)

PBSB disseminates information on developments and events after the Beijing conference. It monitors the implementation of the BPFA through the legislative and executive branches of government. It also reviews and lobbies to amend or pass laws through the Committee on Women of the House of Representatives.

Contacts: Daphne B. Roxas, Secretariat Co-ordinator
Justice Leonor I. Luciano, Member, Board of Convenors
101 Hyacinth, Roxas District, Quezon City, Philippines
Tel.: (632) 371-4064 / 371-4065
Fax:(632) 373-7902
E-mail: or


Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)

AWARE is a Singaporean organisation that conducts research and training on issues of concern to women. AWARE also runs a helpline for women in distress.

Contact: Lyn / Yoke Chin Janet, Assistant Hon. Treasurer
Block 5, Dover Crescent #01-22 Singapore 130005
Tel.:(02) 780-5026 / 209-4828
Fax:(02) 777-0318
E-mail: or

Singapore Council of Women's Organisations

A co-ordinating NGO body of 42 Singapore women's organisations, it monitors family policies, women's health, family violence, education, employment policies, and economic empowerment of women. Its strategies include advocacy with government officials and politicians, and examining government statistics.

Contact: Anamah Tan, President
Block 24 Outram Park, #03-115, Singapore 0316, Singapore
Tel.: (65) 224-3405
Fax: (65) 224-3406


Thai Women Watch

Thai Women Watch is a non-government organisation directly monitoring the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in Thailand.

Contact:  Thanpuying Sumalee Chartikavanij
2234 New Petchaburi Road, Huaykwang 10320 Bangkok, Thailand
Tel.:(662) 314-4316 / 718-0373
Fax: (662) 718-0372

Contact: Dr. Pawadee Tonguthai
53/1 Sukumvit Soi 53, Sukumvit Road 10110 Bangkok, Thailand
Tel.:(662) 258-7683
Fax:(662) 259-6171 or 224-9428

Friends of Women Foundation (FOW)

FOW's objectives are to protect and promote women's rights and equal opportunities in the social, economic and political aspects. It also monitors issues of violence against women, the quality of life of women workers, especially occupational health and safety, and women's health and reproductive rights, as well as gender and development. FOW also provides legal aid, consultation, education and training services.

1379/30 Soi Praditchai, Phaholyothin Road
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 2797158 / 2700928 / 6182707 / 6182708
Fax: (66-2) 2700929


Vietnam Women's Union (VWU)

VWU seeks to represent Vietnamese women nationally, regionally and internationally. Over the years, it has expanded its ties with other organisations for the advancement and development of women. A focal point in Vietnam's participation in the Beijing Conference, VWU continues to monitor its implementation in the country through a newsletter, Women of Vietnam.

Contact: Nguyen Thi Thanh Dam, Expert of Documentation Department
39 Hang Chuoi, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel.:(844) 971-7225
Fax:(844) 971-3143

List of Government Mechanisms

Government Mechanisms

A listing of government mechanisms and offices established to promote the advancement of women in Asia-Pacific countries.

·        Inter-Governmental Organisations

·        Bangladesh

·        Brunei Darussalam

·        Cambodia

·        Fiji

·        India

·        Indonesia

·        Iran

·        Israel

·        Japan

·        South Korea

·        Malaysia

·        Mongolia

·        Pakistan

·        Philippines

·        Sri Lanka

·        Syria

·        Thailand

·        Vietnam

Inter-Governmental Organisations

Asia & Pacific Development Centre - Gender and Development Program (GAD-APDC)

The Asia and Pacific Development Centre is an autonomous regional inter-governmental institution designed to provide a practical response to the development problems faced by countries in the region. The Gender and Development Programme of the APDC addresses the gendered nature of development processes and their impact on women's lives. GAD-APDC publishes the annual APDC Monitor of BPFA implementation in the region.

P.O. Box 1224, Persiaran Duta
50770 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel/Fax: (603) 651 9209


Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

Building No.6, Bangladesh Secretariat - Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Tel.: 8802-861-012 / 861-879/ 869-674
Fax: 8802-837 / 867-550

Brunei Darussalam

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Social Services Unit
Kg. Pulaie, Jala Kebangsaan, Brunei Darussalam
Tel.: 673-02-339087
Fax: 673-02-339572


Ministry of Women's and Veteran's Affairs

Contact: You-Ay, Secretary of State
N 67, STU68, Toultum Poung II Chamcarmon
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel.: 855-23-15-915-141
Fax: 855-23-428084


Ministry for Women, Culture, Social Welfare and Multi-Ethnic Affairs

Department for Women and Culture
Contact: Sereima Lomaloma
P.O.Box 14068 Suva, Fiji
Tel.: 679-312199
Fax: 679-303829


Department of Women and Child Development

Ministry of Human Resource Development
Contact: Asha Das
Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi 110001, India
Tel.: 91-11-338-3586
Fax: 91-11-338-1495


Ministry of Women's Role

Medan Merdeka Barap # 15 Jakarta 10110, Indonesia
Tel.: 21-380-5539
Tel.: 21-380-5539


Centre for Women's Participation

Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel.: 98-21-640-3038
Fax: 98-21-616-2868


Prime Minister's Office

Advisor on the Status of Women
Kaplan St., Jerusalem, Israel
Tel.: 02-670-7131
Fax: 02-670-7123


Office for Gender Equality

Prime Minister's Office
Contact: Fumiko Suzuki
6-1, Nagato-cho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100, Japan
Tel.: 81-3-3581-5003
Fax: 81-3-3592-0408

Korea, Republic of

Ministry of Political Affairs

Sejong-ro 77-6 Chaongro-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel.: 822-734-3350
Fax: 822-738-5050


Ministry of National Unity and Social Development

Women's Affairs Department
Contact:  Ainunnazli Mohd Salleh, Director
2nd Floor, Bangunan LPPKN, Jalan Raja Laut
50562 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel.:(603) 293-0095 or 294-5190
Fax:(603) 293-4740


Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

Karl Marx St.-2, Ulaanbatar-11, Mongolia
Tel.: 00976-1-325751
Fax: 00976-1-327872


Ministry of Women's Development

Contact: Salma Waheed, Secretary to the Government of Pakistan
State Life Building Phase 5, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel.: 92-51-821145
Fax: 92-51-823132


National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW)

Monitoring and Evaluation Division
Contact: Ermelita Valdeavilla, Executive Director
1145 J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel, Manila, Philippines
Tel.:(632) 735-4763
Fax: (632) 735-8918

Sri Lanka

The Ministry of Women's Affairs

64-68 Galle Road, Colombo-3, Sri Lanka
Tel.: 94-1-441-477


General Women's Union

Tel.: 963-11-333-8584/2077
Fax: 963-11-333-8446


Office of National Commission on Women's Affairs

Contact: Supatra Putananusorn, Chief, Women's Information Center
Office of the Permanent Secretary
Government House Bangkok, 10300 Thailand
Tel.:(662) 282-5322
Fax:(662) 281-3690


National Committee for the Advancement of Women in Vietnam

Contact: Tran Mai Huong, Permanent Secretary
39 Hang Chuoi, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel.:(844) 971-1350 or
Fax:(844) 971-1349

Documentation of the Review Process 

Unifem <>


Commission on the Status of Women <>

Women's Environment & Development Organisation (WEDO) <>

International Women’s Tribune Center <>

Commentary and Analysis of the Review Process

Center for Women's Global Leadership

After Beijing Plus Five -The Need for CEDAW
by Jomel J. Angat at Center for Global Security Studies

IWHC’s Analysis of Negotiations and Final "Further Actions" Document

Genuine progress postponed, meagre results of a difficult Beijing plus Five-Process

Five years after Beijing - Progress and drawbacks

 Mailing Lists

Apwomen2000  (archives)

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